Does your computer seem too slow? Alfa Computer has RAM, hard disks, video controllers, power supplies, cards, and anything else you might need to speed up or improve your machine.Get the most out of your budget with our free upgrade guide and custom build your own PC. We’re confident you’ll be surprised by how little it can cost to upgrade!
Memory Upgrade
Memory (RAM) is used by your computer to hold data and program codes while the computer is in operation. When a computer does not have enough RAM, the code and data have to be swapped into the hard drive frequently, causing the computer to not only work much harder, but also inefficiently.
Adding RAM to the computer is a simple task and takes less than 10 minutes. Prices staring as low as $20 per gigabyte including installation.
Graphic Controller Upgrade
A better graphics controller can fix these problems:
- Sluggish screen when editing a video, image or while playing games
- If you see color banding (rough color transitions) on images and video
- Movies are not moving smoothly (dropped frames)
We carry graphics controller for specific applications, we can recommend a suitable upgrade based on your needs and budget.
Hard Drive Upgrade
Hard Drive is where you programs and data are kept. Being a mechanical device in an electronic environment, hard drive most often considered the main bottle neck of the computer system. By upgrading to a faster hard drive, your computer can read and write data faster thus reducing the wait cycle.
If you ran out of disk space, we can clone your hard drive to a larger one, doing so, we keep all of your software and settings the same.
If you’re having trouble figuring out whether to replace or repair, here’s an article on we recommend reading: